Android External Storage Support: Mount Service Architecture


We have already seen in the previous tutorial that the vold service talks to the MountService which is responsible for actually initiating commands from the userspace to
mount,unmount,create,remove different volumes.

Let us spend sometime to understand more on this.

The relationship between the command message, MountService, Vold, and Kernel is shown in the following figure.

Vold receives the kernel uevent message through the Netlink messages and sends them to the MountService through the socket method and receives the MountService commands in real time.

We have seen earlier that vold process
1.     CommandListener module creates a socket listener thread at startup.
2.     The thread is used to listen to MountServcie's connection and receives the command message sent by the MountService to Vold.

The MountService needs to receive the uevent message from the kernel. It must also create a socket monitor thread. The socket monitor thread will be explained in detail later.

Android MountService.

MountService is one of Android's Java services. It is created and registered in ServiceManager during the second phase of SystemServer process startup.

Let us see the MountService creation and registration process.

If you see above, You will see that MountService is also a singleton as we would like only one instance running in the systemserver only.

Before we move further let us spend sometime and look at the file storage_list.xml.

MountService  reads the xml file and constructs a StorageVolume object according to the storage device parameters and stores all the constructed StorageVolume objects in the list mVolumes which we will visit later.

Going back to MountService initialization.

Let us see some important steps during the MountService initialization.

Create a Handler for the MountService worker thread with a message loop.
Create an ObbActionHandler for the MountService worker.

Create the connection to vold with a maximum queue of twice the amount of containers we'd ever expect to have. This keeps an "asec list" from blocking a thread repeatedly.

Create and start a socket connection listening thread  using NativeDaemonConnector.

Register for ADDED and REMOVED intents.

Add ourselves to the watchdog monitors if they are available.

MountService service model.

 Let us look at a basic workflow model of MountService and its components.

We can see that the SystemServer main thread starts the MountService service. When the service starts, a MountService worker thread with a message loop is created to handle the messages dispatched by the MountServiceHandle and ObbActionHandler; at the same time, a service for connecting the Vold is created.
Before entering the closed loop, the thread creates a NativeDaemonConnector.CallbackHandler thread with a message loop, which is used to process the uevent event message sent by the native layer Vold process.

MountService thread creation.

MountServiceHandler essentially is responsible for handling various messages which it gets over the thread looper. Let us see the details of handleMessage.

The different messages which are handled by the MountService.

Similarly let us see the ObbActionHandler::handleMessage function same as above.

MountService sending command to vold.

Vold acts as a storage device control center and needs to receive operation commands from the upper MountService.

The communication between MountService which resides in the SystemServer process and Vold as two different processes uses socket communication.

While analyzing the vold process in the previous tutorial we have seen the CommandListener module that initiates a socket listener thread to specifically receive connection requests from the upper-level MountService.

At the MountService side the NativeDaemonConnector socket connection thread is also started for looping connection to the server to ensure that the connection is not interrupted.

When the connection to Vold is successful, the loop reads data from the server.
The MountService sends commands to the Vold in a specified format.

Let us take an example of the mount command.

Above are some classes involved and their source code location. Let us see in details.

Send the command to the socket through the mOutputStream which we obtained during init.

Read the responses and process them using NativeDaemonEvent and we are done.

Which socket we read/write. Well obviously the vold socket. Let us see how and where.

vold sending messages to MountService.

We saw above how the MountService interacts with vold when it receives a user command, However we would also like know how does the vold on getting the ueventd Netlink messages inform MountService.

Let us see a basic workflow and then directly jump into source code.

Start a looper and listen to the socket.

Read the data obtained on the socket.

Send the data for further processing using the connected Daemon.

Obtain the message in the Mountservice and handle the message.

We already know that some apps/services etc would have registered to the MountServiceListener and MountService needs to update all of them.

We also saw the different message handling in the MountService:: handleMessage function earlier , Let us revisit.

Finally the required function gets called which handles the daemon connected event.

Let us see how can some entity register to the MountService and listens to the events or updates on the external storage.
It is accomplished using the StorageManager class and registering to its listener.

Let us see how using the UsbStorageActivity class.

Hope, That the basic idea of VolumeService gives us quite an insight of how the external storage [sdcard/USB drive] are managed in the Android system.


  1. Now, MountService is deprecated, Instead StorageManagerService is used along with aidl binder transaction


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